Dog Obedience Training - Good and Bad Games

good and bad games

We can play all kinds of games with our dogs and we can apply dog ​​obedience training techniques and give them a way to do it.

Of all the games we can teach our dogs, there are good and bad games, and some games have both positive and negative aspects.

The game "Tug of War": It's a good game, but only if you play on your terms.

The game has to start and stop when you say it. They present the toy, shoot and ask the dog to give him the toy to throw.

It's a good game as a leadership training. You have to win. If you allow the dog to win, it is very powerful for the dog.

It is very stimulating for the dog and therefore it is a very good exercise to play with agility just before running a dog.

Start the game "Throw the Ball" - a bad game if you allow the dog to release the ball just to grab it and escape as soon as you make a gesture to retrieve it.

A good game if you have taught the dog to bring the ball directly to you and drop it by hand.

An excellent game if you need to give the dog 10 minutes of extreme training to exhaust it, if you need to make a dog tired at work.

The game "catch me if you can": chasing your dog for fun is not a good game. It teaches the dog that you have to walk more when you run away. You can also catch something in your mouth, eg. A shoe or a book, and it will be another bad game if you try to recover the object while teaching the dog that he does not have to come back with you.

The game "Fetch": a good game if you use it to teach obedience exercises to dogs, how to sit, wait, give and get. Tell the dog to sit down and wait. Start the balloon a short while and wait for the dog to search. Extend the time the dog is sitting and waiting.

Finish the game before the dog is tired of playing.

The game "Wrestling" - A very bad game. Learn to jump, articulate and run and encourage the dog to use its power against you. They show the dog that he can win and he can be the pack leader.

The game "Hide and Seek" - This is a good game. You go quietly and hide and call your dog. He teaches the dog to come when he calls and uses his sense of smell to find his hiding place.

You can hide a toy or sweets and encourage them to find it. You can test your IQ with this game. Take three pots and place them in a row at a distance of about 2 feet. Put a treat under it and ask your dog to find it. The faster he is, the smarter he is.

Smart dogs can learn the name of their toy. Once you know the name of the toy, place one of several toys and send it to the named toy. It really uses your mind.

These are some of the most important things to learn dog obedience games for dog training If you want to train your dog successfully, you must always be patient and persistent.


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