The Importance of Obedience Training Your Puppy

the importance of obedience training your puppy

Puppies learn on the day of their birth and yearn like children for knowledge. Your experience plays an important role in shaping your character and attitude. In this article you will learn about the best way training your puppy. A dog does not have the ability to judge beyond what he has lived, which is why his life is limited to his experiences. We can use this through obedience training to our advantage, before we realize that in our opinion "the grass is greener on the other side". If the dog starts exercising less than a week after his return, it will make it clear to the puppy that obedience is a way of life. he just will not know anything else.

There are 3 basic concepts that puppies should learn between 8 and 14 weeks if they expect them to listen in the most difficult times. These are:

- You are her boss and he works for you.
- Calm down and take care.
- Learn to ignore distraction

The puppy is at the age of 8 weeks to 12 to 18 weeks, depending on race and maturity, what I call "stage of character development". This is the phase of his life that lays the foundation for any interaction between him and humans and other dogs. Or learn that you can control and control the people and dogs around you, or that obedience is a way of life. This has a big impact on what he does and what he hears in the most distracted situations for the rest of his life.

When obedience is initiated into your life at this early stage, daily routines are set to live, and the dog works just 10 minutes a day in obedience. I've learned to control your backpack and ultimately make a final decision when the number of chips is low. It also gets a lot less stressful for all concerned, less expensive and much less work for homeowners.

If you wait several months or years, you have learned to control yourself, and it is up to me to change your perception of you rather than just obedience. It is much harder, more stressful, less effective and more work for you as an owner in follow-up.

As soon as you take your puppy, he discovers you and your family. He studies his entire body language, how he interacts with and interacts with him, what seems to be strong or weak, what attracts his attention, how he feels compassionate (he is sorry) and finally exploits his weaknesses and decreases his ability as a sign of weakness true. Constantly learning how to deal with you and your family to meet their needs and slowly but surely get to the top of the pack. The pack mentality also plays an important role in the development of a puppy.

The mentality of the package dictates that the fittest must direct the package for it to survive. It is a predominant song not only for dogs, but also for wolves, soldiers, football teams or even prison gangs, and believe me, your puppy is well aware of it. Observe our body language as human beings and human behavior in general and see subtle things that we perceive as absolutely normal or that we can forget. Assigning Weaknesses You should express it in a language that contains multiple concepts, as described in the first few paragraphs.

The main goal of most dogs in life is to become the leader of your pack one day. The more your dog learns to control you, the less control you have over him as an adult. A huge advantage that puppies and dogs have for you is that you can really feel the pheromones that your body gives off in mood swings, as well as many other information.

This is called odor discrimination. When we enter Thanksgiving dinner, we feel the strongest on the menu, usually turkey or salad dressing. A dog can tell you everything on the menu, whatever humor the room has. Animals and humans. It can tell if a woman is ovulating, if someone is upset and, what is worse, a dog can feel the adrenaline of a person. A puppy is very enlightening, so we humans have very little understanding. These are the reasons why your puppy needs to start exercising from the first day before learning how to become yourself, your family, and literally smarter.

Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on obedience training your puppy. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


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