Puppy Toilet Training - The Power of Positive Reinforcement

the power of positive reinforcement

You should have chosen the potty technique for puppies that you use before you go home, as returning home is the best time to set a precedent for the behavior of your puppy's toilet. Regardless of the technique you use to toilet train your puppy, it is important that this training begins as soon as you bring it home.

Paper training and cage training are two commonly used methods. Both have advantages and disadvantages. However, all techniques become more effective when positive gain is used. In clear words, this means rewarding behavior that you want to repeat and ignore other behaviors.

Your puppy would like you, and if positive reinforcement is used, the lesson is likely to become stronger and more sticky. For example, using a form of positive reinforcement when a puppy is eliminated in some newspapers is more effective than merely repeating the application of a puppy on paper.

To be more effective, you must make significant rewards and change the type of reward you use. A knock on the head can get boring and in fact most puppies do not have a hand that falls on their heads. They therefore need to use different incentives to promote good action. The main incentives for a dog are food and physical affection.

With these incentives, you will practice going to the bathroom faster, but pay attention to how much you eat. A puppy will continue to pay attention to a small treatment and the training will be just as strong with a small treatment as with a large one. If you find the preferred treatment for your puppy, using small amounts to enhance good behavior is very effective. The coaches also found that puppies reacted better when treated infrequently. The temporary and sporadic use of sweets is always better than a treat, as the puppy is bored with sweets when overworked.

It is also important to use the right time to award rewards. You must reward if your puppy is showing the correct behavior. This ensures that your puppy knows exactly how high the reward is. Even a short delay can make the treatment ineffective and have the opposite effect, since the puppy can be rewarded for his wrong behavior. The rule is to reward when the right behavior occurs, but keep in mind that the puppy, when training on the toilet, allows him to stop the excretion so as not to get distracted.

The use of positive reinforcement techniques significantly improves the efficiency of puppy training technique. The more you pay attention to the desired behavior, the more the puppy makes a clear correlation between the behavior that receives the reward and the behavior that causes no response. Your cleanliness training will be faster and more enjoyable for you and your puppy. These are some of the most important things to learn how to toilet train a puppy. If you want to train your dog successfully, you must always be patient and persistent.


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