How to Train a Puppy to Go Potty - 3 Easy Puppy Potty Training Tips

easy puppy potty training tips

Every dog ​​owner wants to know how to bring a puppy to the toilet in the easiest way. Nobody wants his rugs to be ruined by a puppy who continues to spoil. The sooner you train, the better the owners. But how do you train the puppy to go to the bathroom properly?


First and foremost, it must be stressed that you need to be patient, especially in smaller breeds. They do not have well-formed blisters and do not always go to the bathroom as you wish. It is important to be patient and to take time, as any negative reinforcement can ruin everything you have already achieved. This may take some time, but once the dog has learned, your job is done.


1. First you have to put the puppy in a sleepy room like a cage. This is important for training the puppy as the dog does not urinate where he sleeps.

2. If you take your puppy outside, keep him tied up and bring him treats if he goes to the bathroom. If you pee or poop, you can treat it. Positive reinforcement is important for a puppy to go to the bathroom.

3. You must watch your puppy carefully to be able to watch him when he is not asleep. To do this, you can catch them when they start to urinate or shit. Take your puppy outside every two hours when you are awake to train him.

Take care of your dog

You should take care of your puppy and see if there are signs that he needs to go to the bathroom. This makes it much easier to bring a puppy to the bathroom. These are the signs to watch out for:

* Surround the ground.

* Sniff on the floor

* Moans

* Look in the door

Knowing how to train a puppy to go to the bathroom is one thing, but applying what you know is another. Nowadays you learn in many books and trainings about puppies, how to train your dog or puppy.

Training your puppy requires a lot of patience, but it's a rewarding experience for both the dog owner and the housekeeper.

Here are five simple steps that veterinarians can use to teach their dogs something that is easy at home:

1. First you should hold an old newspaper in your hand and not let the puppy see what you are holding in your hand.

2. Every morning you have to go for a walk with the puppy.

3. Let the puppy sniff. It helps you to feel relieved somehow.

4. When the puppy makes a pot or piss, take out the newspaper and congratulate him on the job well done.

5. This should also be done at night, in the same way as the newspaper.

These steps should be done until the puppy learns the routine. The goal of taking it every morning and every night is to know that it is the right time for you to urinate.

There would even come a time when he would be the one to call you back. If you remove the newspaper every time you urinate, you will learn where to urinate. After a while, you can just put the paper in a certain spot in your house, and your puppy knows what to do when it has to urinate.

In fact, it is not difficult to train your puppy. You just need time and a lot of patience.

Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on toilet training your puppy. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


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