Service Dog Training Basics: Can You Train Your Own Service Dog?

Can You Train Your Own Service Dog?

Yes you can, if you're located in the U.S. The ADA does not require professional training by a certified dog trainer for your dog to be considered a Service Dog. With that being said, it's important to know the laws and the minimum training standards that it takes before your dog can legally be called a Service Dog.

Owner- Training a Puppy or Adult Dog?

It's recommended for owner- trainers to start with a puppy, although many people have had great success rescuing older dogs from shelters and training them to be their Service Dog. Rescuing an older dog usually takes a little more time since most of these dogs come with some baggage. The best approach with an older dog is to have a trainer assist you. They can help teach you exactly how to train your dog and how to break any bad behavior that its acquired over its lifetime. Training a puppy is like starting with a clean slate.

How long does training take?

With a puppy, it typically takes about 6-12 months to learn the basics like sit, down, heel, come, etc. Once a dog or puppy has learned the basics then they're considered a candidate who's ready to start learning specific tasks & jobs.

It's not recommended to start taking a dog out in public for training until they are 12 months or older. It's hard for dogs this young to stay focused and you want to make sure the training is fun and not stressful. If you do take your dog out in public, for training, while he's under a year old, make it light, in short bursts, and fun. Also have lots of treats on hand.

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