Learn How to Stop Dog Aggression: The Root Causes

Learn How to Stop Dog Aggression - The Root Causes

Dominance and Territoriality as a Root Cause

Before knowing when and how to stop aggression from happening, we must first understand their most primal and natural tendencies. By nature, they are social animals, specifically, natural pack animals. Domesticated dogs consider your family as their pack. They assert dominance aggression over family members to show that he or she is the "alpha". With these causes, they express their anger, fear and frustration. They also try to establish their hierarchy over smaller pets, younger children and harmless animals by barking and biting. It is important to know your place and learn how to stop dog aggression by keeping in control. It is also usual for them to mark territories and own "personal" spaces. They express territorial aggression when a stranger or intruder trespasses into their territory by barking and biting. Dominance and territory are the most common triggers to aggressive behavior and many responsible pet owners opt to study how to stop aggression because of these causes.

Fear and Displacement as Misunderstood Emotional Triggers

Dogs have feelings too. Our pets can feel excitement and happiness as well as anger, frustration and fear. The difference between human beings and dogs is that we perceive and understand the emotions we are feeling therefore, we can control them better. They handle negative emotions like fear, anger and displacement with a lot of confusion and animosity and are often more reactive to those feelings. So, dogs bite because they misunderstand and confuse fear and anger sometimes displacing them to harmless smaller animals and younger children. The best pet owners help their dog understand and deal with these emotions through proper professional training and a proactive approach to learning how to stop dog aggression.

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