stop crate fears in adult dogs


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stop crate fears in adult dogs

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stop crate fears in adult dogs

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Hi, I'm dr sally's foot, and I'm going to show you here how to help your dog, like going in the crate. This is called happy crating. So, first of all, you want to have a box. That'S going to be just long enough for your dog to lay in and to be comfortable in, but not so big that they could get to a back corner now. This is my dog Bella's crate.

She said, since she was a puppy, she's about three years old. Now um, so it's it is big enough for her to lay in here comfortably. She's a little curled up, but she loves her crate because it's always like a bit of doggie bedroom, and that's how I think we should make this for the dogs. So, to begin with, when you get your puppy, you're going to want to put just a towel in there, your puppy may wet on it, and it makes it easy to clean. The second thing you want to do with your puppy during the day is to feed your puppy, put some of the food in the bowl, maybe only about a third of it like so, and then set the ball into the crate. If the puppy's a little timid, you can put the bowl just barely into the box, so they just put their head over, which rewards them for starting to go in the crate.

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And then, when they're finished, or they sound like they're finished, don't reach in there and start to pull everything off. Very good girl see Bella, came out on her own she's interested in checking things out here in the house, and you want to praise them for that now. A second technique you can use is when just playing a game, I'm going to take some handful of kibble. Oh, she knows what this is about, and I'm going to say, come across a little bit, and I'm going to toss the kibble in the crate. The bell goes in the box, and then when she's done, she comes up with a good job, and you can even combine this to a and give the puppy one kibble for coming.

stop crate fears in adult dogs

So they learned to come to you, and then we say what now she'll go in the crate, and it becomes this easy in easy out. Fun things happen with the box. The container is not just about, you know, isolation or anything like that. Also too, what I want to do is put the kibble in there after she goes in; I close the door to the crate, and I can, even after I close it before I latch it to open it, throw a couple more kibble in close it and lock it Because she's getting rewarded with the sound of handling this crate and closing it and even with it closed, I can toss a kibble or two in there you're not giving them a lot of food. It'S just one little nugget, and then I can open the crate, and she comes out on her excellent job excellent.

So these are steps for helping your dog learn to like their crate, and we must teach our puppies this, and even adult dogs who've had difficulty with the crepe get upset about the box. Thank you.

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Video Tags: 

stop crate fears in adult dogs, crate, escape, fear reward train cage,how to crate train an older dog with separation anxiety,dog sleeps in crate with door open,dog freaks out in crate,dog sleeping in crate at night,dog crate until what age,dog whining in crate at night,when to stop crate training,should i put my dog in a crate at night

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