Meet Enzo a 13 week old, Doberman puppy, he's adorable and full of life, Enzo loves playing with his owner Paul, but sometimes the play can get a bit out of hand. Enzo Enzo, that's my finger he's very, very intelligent. Young puppy. Very very bright responds extremely well training with within two days he was taught to sit, lay come stay, but the main problem that we actually have with him is an issue with biting he'll bite really at any part of your body.
How do I train my puppy not to bite the dog whisperer?
That'S available, usually the hands forearms. Maybe your elbows, your shoulders anything can really get get his teeth into. The the biting itself is usually soft to start with and it gets progressively harder and harder to the point of actually hurting quite a lot, and you know on occasion, puncturing Enzo, maybe having a whale of a time, but it doesn't look like too much fun for Paul dog behavior expert, Jayne Hanshaw, has come along to see if she can help we're getting to the point now where we really do need some advice to work out how we cure this and cure it quite quickly.
How can you discourage a puppy from mouthing play biting Behaviour?
So we can start to enjoy more as a puppy rather than having a head-to-head contest with him on a daily basis. So when does he bite yeah, okay, be playing with him? Basically, whenever he's playing with us, whenever he's sitting with us, yeah really to to start playing absolutely spot-on, that's when they do it start play.
How do I stop my puppy from biting all the time?
There are two types of puppy biting. The first is in very young puppies who bite to initiate play and because they don't know how else to react, then there are the slightly older puppies who have learned that biting gets a reaction, and that gets your attention and remember any attention is good attention.
As far as a puppy is concerned, so what he's doing is perfectly natural, as varieties concerned is just initiating play, usually, will try and divert his attention to a toy yeah. That'S perfect! Yeah! What, if you could? I know that's hard haha. If you could keep that hand still okay doing that and then try him on Twitter. I'D like that perfect! It'S absolutely perfect! If it bites your arm like that, keep it really still we're going to be directing onto the tie right.
Another way to deal with puppy biting is that if the puppy bites you very hard, you can acknowledge that with an ouch, and then you leave just walk away calmly from the puppy. What you're teaching him there is that biting me hard means you lose my company and obviously the puppy wants to be with you. What you've got to teach - and it is a teaching process now - is that that fun stops yeah. This is really appropriate play. How long would you think it would be for them to actually grow a tradition that depends on the consistency of you doing it every single time he bites skin our clothes that becomes boring yeah, and this is the more exciting part. I'D said a week two weeks, it really is achievable.
Okay, um, it's down to effort puppies a hard work. You mustn't over train a puppy. The maximum amount of time in one session should be just 5 to 10 minutes, but this can be done several times a day, Paul's taking Enzo for a walk for a change of environment and to release some energy before we continue with training right. So it's been out in the garden.
How long does the puppy biting phase last?
Had a little go, I've been having a little mooch about. I found these ok, I assume he's his taies yeah when they've asked you to distract him and to play with the tie. Yeah I saw that is that it wasn't releasing that tie very well, what's important if you're going to teach him to play, it's important to teach him to release as well.
Yes, all right, so we're getting to play right! Good boy! Oh that's! Really! Clever! That'S very clever so getting to Guinea yeah! That'S nice! We'Re gon na get a treat for me under reward very good. Does that make sense absolutely so he has to have some reason for letting go, because his moment is finally very exciting.
So have a little go yourself see if you can get into play, but have a treat in your back pocket right all right, so you playing ok gentle tugging because he's only got little teeth and say for me for me: perfect, absolutely perfect right now! Eventually, this is stage 1. Eventually, when you get for me and you get that tie mmm the reward is you can get the tie back right? Yes, oh we not always on treats we're gon na fade, treats fairly quickly with a dog like this to be truthful.
Ok at the moment, you've got to teach what that money needs. Is that help that's great help? Is that good I'll just you've got to do it. Thank you very much. You'Re welcome James, given Paul the tools to work with no it's up to him.
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