My Dog is Aggressive towards other dogs! Help! - Dog Training with Americas Canine Educator

 Hello, everybody and welcome back to the coolest dog training channel right here on YouTube, I'm Tom Davis, America's canine educator. Thank you so much for joining me today. 

My Dog is Aggressive towards other dogs

Today, I'm gon na be introducing our newest board and train to other dogs. This is probably one of the most aggressive dogs that I've worked with here at the facility. As far as dog reactivity goes in dog aggression. Now, this dog is really aggressive towards other dogs. 

It'S not reactivity! It'S not just bark. This dog does not like other dogs period, so I snuck in my van really quick just to get you guys out of the wind, but today I'm gon na be demonstrating how to progressional II introduce a truly dog aggressive dog Morgan. One of my other trainers - and I are going to use the entire parking lot to do this. 

I don't know how it's gon na go. I don't know if it's gon na work, but this is gon na, be the first time he's gon na be around another dog since he's been here. If you haven't watched the first episode yet click this link above and you can watch the first episode of introduction to leash pressure, why this dog is the way he is etc. So today, I'm gon na hopefully show you guys how to properly introduce, slowly and safely and effectively another dog to a dog that is severely truly dog aggressive

So what you're gon na watch me do. First, is just show you guys what we've done with the dog. Literally, it's been hit, leash works, so he'll sit heel, sit heel, sit. You have to follow me on the leash. You have to follow me on the leash, getting Corrections getting pressure if he doesn't comply, which he's never had before. 

So I'm going to show you that first, to show you exactly where he's at and then I'm gon na show you the wide angle shot of the parking lot and the introduction to hopefully the other dog. Here we go oh and by the way, if you haven't yet consider subscribing to my channel and liking this article , that's what we've been doing so far. 

It'S just really having him engaged on the leash, making cherries paying attention to us and nothing else going on so he's passing the test so far, so it's going according to plan leash pressure, introducing the foundational. What no means, what yes means, what good, what bad means? None of the preliminary stuff he had before so now the true test, introducing him or getting him around another dog in general, which is the first time we've done it since we've had them all week, . 

So this is where it gets really interesting. We are nowhere, shape or form out of the woods. However, this is a dog that didn't know wrong from right, yes, and no and had zero foundation, and, as you see the article I just put in here, he was so reactive. This guy could not even be in the same room with another dog without exploding on everything, including me, so watch the subtleties I provide, I think, if anything, you're gon na get out of this article you're gon na watch the progression that we make together. 

He gives I give he takes. I take he puts pressure, I put pressure, you want to watch my body and everything that I'm doing with my food delivery. Where I put my feet, where I put my shoulders, where I put my legs when I'm breaking him when I'm not breaking him, etc notice, how clear and precise my communication is with Meryl during this time I am being very vocal, I'm telling him what he can And can't do but, more importantly, I'm giving him pressure or discipline when he doesn't comply. I personally think that's the single most contributing factor to this dog's. 

Continual aggression is because he had absolutely no consequence for his actions thus far, so the training done prior to this dog was doing zero punishment. Zero Corrections, zero structure with this dog now that's a really good course of ingredients to really set a dog up for failure, especially with aggression, issues. Nobody has ever corrected or punished this dog when he did something wrong which, as you can imagine in human psychology, how much that plays a role when you're trying to teach something wrong from right, I'm very happy with Merrill's progression. 

If this article is helping you or you enjoy this article don't forget to Like and leave a comment below, so that, in a nutshell, is the progression that we did in a week and again this is a really aggressive dog, meaning not like super aggressive, but just The dog is actually aggressive, he's not reactive again, like I said before so really good progression in a week very happy with my staff. Here, that's been working with him tirelessly. 

Thank you for his owners for trusting us with him. He was pretty bad and that was great progression in a week. So, thank you guys so very much for reading this article, if you haven't yet consider subscribing to my channel and support me and what I'm doing with the dogs and, of course, leave a like on this article leave a comment below and let's talk about what you Thought about the article! Thank you guys so very much, and I talk to you next time: peace, 

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