Separation Anxiety in Dogs - How to Help Your Dog

how to help your dog

Separation anxiety in dogs is very real and is actually increasing, with about 8 to 12 million dogs suffering from this disease. It can occur in the form of constant complaints, walking, destroying the house and objects in the house and sometimes even self-harm.

Although most dogs can be successfully treated for seizure-related anxiety, this can be a daunting time for dog owners. Dog. Boredom and fear of abandonment are the main reasons for separation anxiety in dogs, and there are several ways to treat each of these problems.

Dogs are by nature beasts of burden and prefer to stay with their family as often as possible. However, a well-trained and socialized dog should have little trouble staying alone for up to eight hours a day. If your dog follows you at home or has to sleep in your room or even in your bed, you have symptoms of separation anxiety. Your dog may suffer from separation anxiety if it gets nervous when leaving the house. Whether you notice it or not, you have a regular exit routine and your dog learns it every day: you know instinctively when to prepare for departure. What does your dog do when you leave the house? Try changing your usual exit routine to see if your dog's behavior is changing.

Although there are many ways to treat separation anxiety in dogs, you can understand after trying that your dog needs multiple treatments. After all, every dog ​​is unique. A trip to your veterinarian can eliminate any underlying health problems. Ensuring that your home is at a comfortable temperature during the day ensures that your dog will not feel unwell.

In general, the first recommended treatment for separation anxiety in dogs is exercise. If you take your pet for a walk, run or play before leaving, your dog will stay relaxed and ready for a nap during your absence. Radios and televisions can also be very relaxing for dogs, as they are reminded by background noise to their owners. Some dogs need intellectual stimuli, otherwise they get bored quickly. In this case, a puzzle with little treats can save both your dog and your home life.

Separation anxiety in dogs can be overcome. If you try different treatment options, you should be able to find one or a combination that will make your dog's life and your life much more enjoyable and stress-free. Do not stress alone because your dog is stressed. Learn different ways to reduce dog separation anxiety, and both are happier.

These are some of the most important things to learn separation anxiety your dog. If you want to train your dog successfully, you must always be patient and persistent.


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