Separation Anxiety in Dogs - 5 Things Dog Owners Should Know

5 things dog owners should know

While many dogs like to cuddle and sleep at home, others roam the floor, chewing furniture and boring neighbors with howls and constant complaints. In this article you will learn about solutions separation anxiety with your dog. A recent UK study found that up to 50% of dogs showed signs of separation anxiety if left alone. Other studies indicate a lower rate of almost 15%, but in all cases a significant percentage of our dogs suffer from this disease and appear to be on the increase. Therefore, here are the 5 things dog owners should know about this problem.

(1) What causes separation anxiety in dogs?

The opinions of experts on the cause of separation anxiety in dogs vary, but they are very much in agreement on how to cure them.

Any major change in a dog's life can suddenly trigger anxiety, such as having a new dog or moving. In addition, any bad experience, such as handing over to a rescue center for dogs, could be triggered when they come out and it is said that many rescue dogs suffer from separation anxiety. The most common opinion about what causes separation anxiety is that our dogs are too attached to us, then become addicted and then become frightened if they do not have access to us.

However, Canine Anxiety Research, published by the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association on the fears and fears of the two dogs, concluded that their attachment to their owners was no different. suggesting that the first sight might not be exactly accurate. Another theory about the causes of separation anxiety is based on the study of the structure of the wolf pack and assumes that fear arises when a dog assumes that he is the leader of the pack and therefore responsible for the rest of the pack. Herd protection.

This means that your dog, when you leave and leave your dog alone at home, does not know where you went, whether you come back and whether you can not pick you up, which causes him great anxiety.

Certain behaviors caused by anxiety, such as howling or odors that characterize the house during your absence, would certainly support that theory.

(2) Symptoms of separation anxiety in dogs

The symptoms of separation anxiety manifest themselves in different ways and many of them are considered behavioral problems of the dog. It is unlikely that dogs will have all the symptoms listed below.

  • Barking, screaming, moaning or crying
  • Chewing and other destructive behaviors
  • Pee or droppings in the house
  • Overly licking or chewing
  • Following you everywhere
  • Digging and trying to escape
  • Loss of appetite
  • Excessive salivation and wheezing
  • Walking on the floor

(3) How to tell if your dog is suffering from separation anxiety

A dog's attention to anxiety issues related to behavior and separation can be seen on the surface in a very similar way. These are therefore the most sought after indicators.

1. Your dog will follow you wherever you are at home and they will get angry if they can not see you.
2. Your dog responds to every signal that he comes out and begins to be anxious, such as: B. complaining or walking on the floor.
3. Dog behavior problems such as excessive barking, chewing or urinating at home only occur when you are outside.
4. When you return, your dog will be thrown at you with a totally over-the-top greeting that will make you jump and take a long time to calm down.

(4) Healing of anxiety in the separation of dogs

The first thing to notice is that punishment for behavior dictated by the dog's anxiety not only does not serve to cure it, but can worsen the situation. Almost all dog experts seem to agree. Resist the temptation to scream, punch or even rub your dog's nose, no matter how serious it is. It will not help

Treating anxiety associated with separating a dog usually involves a training program that explains how you can make it more comfortable for your dog when left alone as a remedy for anxiety in more extreme situations.

There are a variety of other products such as herbal remedies, pheromone solutions and life jackets that can also help.

(5) Separation anxiety solutions for dogs

You need time, consistency, patience and the right information to get rid of anxiety related to separating your dog. Find a suitable solution that suits your lifestyle and take it for a reasonable period of time before judging whether it works or develops.

It's important to remember that all dogs learn at different speeds, some will be quick and changing, and others will be a little more stubborn, resilient, and a bit more persuasive. But stay with a good program and you should start to see results.

Visit my blog, where you'll find this lesson on separation anxiety with your dog. You'll see some examples of things you can do today, right now, to teach this potentially life-saving skill to your dog.


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